Język słoweński i język prekmurski – przykłady języków na styku kultur

The Slovenian and Prekmurian languages – examples of languages at a crossroads of cultures





history of language, literary language, Slovenian language, Prekmurian language


Literary Slovenian is the official language in Slovenia and in areas inhabited by Slovenian minorities. From the beginning of the shaping of the norm of the Slovenian language, it has been characterized by lesser or greater influences of German language. The Prekmurian language developed in parallel with the Slovenian language from the mid-18th century in Prekmurje, which is the most eastern area of the Republic of Slovenia, separated from the rest of the Slovenian territory by the Mura river and bordering three out of four neighbours: Austria, Croatia and Hungary. The history of the Prekmurs, unlike the history of the other Slovenians, was associated with Hungary for over a thousand years. The Prekmurian language was noted until 1919, when Prekmurje was incorporated into Slovenian lands. The tradition of using the literary Prekmurian language remained alive in Porabje, an area inhabited by Slovenians, but now located in Hungary. The aim of this paper is to briefly present the history of the Prekmurian language, based on Prekmurje dialects and to show its coexistence with the literary Slovenian language, also known as the central Slovenian language in the past. For this view to be sustained, it is necessary to outline the historical background and refer to the process of the shaping of the literary language in Slovenian lands.



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How to Cite

Stefan, A. (2020). Język słoweński i język prekmurski – przykłady języków na styku kultur: The Slovenian and Prekmurian languages – examples of languages at a crossroads of cultures. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 67, 337–349. https://doi.org/10.26485/RKJ/2019/67/22


