Recent Polish and Ukrainian dramaturgy in the face of modern world crises




Polish dramaturgy, Ukrainian dramaturgy, the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, human rights


Art has always been a kind of a barometer of reality, reacting in various ways to current problems and co-creating various social discourses. However, it is evident that in the era of crises plaguing the modern world (human rights violations, pandemics, the war in Ukraine and the climate crisis), the speed of this response has clearly increased. In the realm of contemporary drama and theater, one cannot help but marvel at how effortlessly these profound matters find their place in the “here and now”, as if they were meant to be captured in the blink of an eye. It is in the meticulous scrutiny and profound contemplation of a handful of recent Polish and Ukrainian dramas that this phenomenon resonates most powerfully.

Author Biography

Irena Górska, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

PhD, professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, head of the Department of Literary Aesthetics at the Institute of Polish Philology. Her research interests include the theory of literature, in particular the theory of drama and contemporary aesthetics in the broadest sense. Author of the books: Dramat jako filozofia dramatu na przykładzie twórczości Tadeusza Różewicza [Drama as the philosophy of drama as exemplified by the works of Tadeusz Różewicz] (Poznań 2004), Literatura na próbę. Między literaturą a komentarzem: Różewicz – Witkacy – Kantor [Literature on a Trial Basis. Between Literature and Commentary: Różewicz – Witkacy – Kantor] (Poznań 2013) and co-author of: Estetyka. Między działaniem a emocją [Esthetics. Between Action and Emotion] (with Monika Błaszczak and Ewa Szkudlarek, Poznań 2016), as well as numerous articles on contemporary drama, aesthetic categories and aesthetic experience in particular. Since 2002, she has been the secretary of the editorial board of the theoretical and literary journal “Przestrzenie Teorii”


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