Expressing death between realism and surrealism in Bruegel's painting “Triumph of Death”




Dialectic of life and death – Pieter Bruegel – Philosophy of temporality – Real and Surreal.


Art constitutes an essential means of communicating and expressing the artist’s psychological states, concerns, questions, and sense of danger depending on the surrounding natural factors and circumstances. This study delves into the nuanced depiction of death in Pieter Bruegel's renowned painting, "Triumph of Death," exploring the interplay between realism and surrealism. Bruegel masterfully captures the inevitability of death while infusing surrealistic elements that transcend conventional artistic boundaries. Through an analysis of the painting's composition, symbolism, and historical context, this study aims to unravel the complex narrative woven by Bruegel and shed light on the philosophical implications of death as portrayed in his work. Depicting death as something inevitable, much like the unchangeable past time, with an unknown future, art becomes an attempt to pause time, hoping to avoid the uncertain. Aiming at Analyzing the details of real social life in the artist’s era and approaching them with his surreal expressive outlook.

The study uncovered various insights, notably concerning the significance of death in the minds of artists and its impact on their work. Moreover, the study emphasized the pioneering nature of the painter Bruegel, who was ahead of his time by seamlessly blending elements of realism, expressionism, and surrealism in his artistic endeavors.

Author Biographies

Ryadh Ben Amor, Liwa College, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Ph.D. in the technology of arts from the University of Tunis and possesses over 25 years of expertise in teaching Visual Communication, Video Editing, Digital Media, and Graphic Design at diverse fine arts and design universities. He has proficiency in both teaching and professional management. Since 2012, he has been based in the UAE, accruing valuable experience in higher education, cinema, art exhibitions, and animation. Starting in 2015, he was appointed as an assistant professor at Liwa College. During this tenure, he undertook multiple responsibilities, including heading the Graphic Design Department, leading the exam committee, and serving as an assessor. Moreover, he actively engages in Scopus-indexed scientific research related to Human Sciences, Media, and Higher Education. He serves as a reviewer for several international scientific journals and is an expert on the UAE Research Map.

Dany Abi Karam, Liwa College, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

PhD, brings a wealth of experience in teaching within the higher education sector. His Long experience regarding teaching in universities enhancing teaching methods (Cooperative Learning) and skills has enriched his career and communication with students as well. His experience, (more than one decade and a half), in Graphic Design TV production and Animation add a value to his teaching in class where student can directly feel the approach between academic techniques and professional ones which will help a lot after graduation since it is based on real applications in domain. Beyond his instructional pursuits, he actively participates in curriculum and syllabi development, merging courses and adding new ones as a member of committee suggested by administration, plus, serving in reviewing, analyzing and updating CGA program to Bachelor one. Dr. Abi Karam has publications in prestigious journals and magazines. His research spans across Arts and Philosophy of Arts fields utilizing content analysis and comparison methodologies. Furthermore, Dr. Abi Karam has special skills in painting and illustration drawing where he organized several exhibitions based on impressionist techniques.


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