A discourse with architecture in the works of Krzysztof Wodiczko
discourse, architecture, public projections, Krzysztof WodiczkoAbstract
The works of Krzysztof Wodiczko can be divided into three groups. The first one consists of different types of vehicles. The second group of Wodiczko’s works, according to Stach Szabłowski, are "the designs of technological prostheses for socially <<disabled>> people - refugees, migrants, the homeless". The third and most well-known group are public projections, which consist in projecting images onto different famous buildings (first static images and, since 1996, moving ones, and images combined with sound), aimed at attracting the audience’s attention to cultural, social and political issues important to the dwellers of the given place. In the article, the author focuses on describing the last of the mentioned groups, pointing out that the artist's projections on the one hand relate to real, current problems of the dwellers of a given place and, on the other hand, as they are created with the thought of specific buildings in mind, they enter a discourse with architecture which is commonly perceived as universal, timeless and far from what is happening now.
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