Kulturotwórczy potencjał nowych mediów
https://doi.org/10.26485/ZRL/2019/62.1/8Słowa kluczowe:
immersion, postmedia, liquid modernity, ways of writing and reading, network society, writing, print and digital culture, globalization, social mediaAbstrakt
The article is a proposal to answer the question of how we are shaped by the digital experience. Considerations taken in the context of transforming the culture of writing and printing into digital culture, aim to show how our ways of writing and reading, and with them thinking, cognition and constructing and expressing oneself through the increasing access to modern technologies and the Internet, are changing. The research is also aimed at determining the possible consequences of transformations in the field of culture and anthropology. As a starting point, I take Zygmunt Bauman's concept of liquid modernity, Erich Fromm’s ideas on having and being, as well as the analysis of post-media condition by Piotr Celiński, literacy in the era of digital culture by Henning Lobin and network society by Manuel Castells.