Esej filmowy: dialektyka słowa i obrazu
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
essay film, voice-of-God, heteroglosia, dialogism, dialecticAbstrakt
This article concentrates on various types of relation between essay film and literature. Far from representing a traditional logocentric approach, I try to explore the position and function of a word (generally in the form of voice-of-God commentary and written text) within essayistic structure. I try to highlight the dialectic between image and sound as an aspect of essayistic self-reflexivity. I also focus on Bakhtin’s philosophy of language and apply two terms: “dialogism” and “heteroglossia” to analyze most representative examples. In my research, I have chosen a case study method, following Laura Rascaroli who claims that essay cinema is not generalizable, because each text must create the conditions of its own form.
Liczba pobrań
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Blue (1993), reż. Derek Jarman
Far from Poland (1984), reż. Jill Godmilow
Frankofonia (2015), reż. Aleksander Sokurow
La Rabbia (1963), reż. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Las Hurdes (1933), reż. Luis Buňuel
Leben BDR (1990), reż. Harun Farocki
Lettre de Sibérie (1957), reż. Chris Marker
Lettres de Panduranga (2015), reż. Nguyen Trinh Thi
Russian Ark (2002), reż. Aleksander Sokurow
Sopralluoghi in Palestina (1965), reż. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Television Delivers People (1973), reż. Rchard Serra i Carlota Fay Schoolman