Protection of electoral rights in Serbia: new options, a step forward or a step back?


  • Maja Nastić Full Professor, University of Niš, Faculty of Law, Chair for Public Law



electoral rights, electoral commission, court, complaint


The paper focuses on analyzing the innovations in the current Serbian electoral legislation, which was established in 2022. The aim is to evaluate whether recently enacted electoral laws contribute to establishing a higher degree of democracy and transparency in electing the members of Parliament and councillors of assemblies of local government units. The analysis encompasses the sections of electoral legislation that relate to electoral rights, their protection, and the role of electoral commissions and courts. The basis for enjoying the right to vote has been broadened by amending the electoral law. The election administration’s structures were enhanced by the introduction of local electoral commissions, which served as a middle level. The two-tier system for protecting electoral rights has been upgraded by introducing a new legal tool: a request for annulment of voting at the polling board. The effectiveness of new legal mechanisms that protect electoral rights and the practice of the electoral commission and courts in their conduct are given special attention.


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How to Cite

Nastić, M. (2024). Protection of electoral rights in Serbia: new options, a step forward or a step back?. Studia Wyborcze, 37, 57–73.




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