IPO Underpricing and the share issue price on the NewConnect market





IPO, NewConnect, Alternative Trading System, issue price


Background: The article deals with companies debuting on NewConnect, an alternative trading system run by the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. outside the regulated market. It focuses on the evolution of the issue price of a company’s shares compared to its price at the end of the day of the first quotation.

Research purpose: The aim of the article is to analyze IPO underpricing on the NewConnect market between 2007 and 2020 based on the share issue price on the debut date. The average change in the price of a security was also examined, as well as the number of companies according to the issue price. Attention is also paid to changes in prices in the NewConnect debut following the introduction of regulations regarding the increase in the nominal value of shares to PLN 0.10.

Methods: The literature on the subject was reviewed, and the methods of deduction and observation were used. The source data and legal acts relating to the NewConnect market were analyzed. Statistics on the price change on the company’s debut on NewConnect are also included.

Conclusions: The analysis of 620 companies admitted to trading on the NewConnect market shows that the shares of 60.22% of companies had a higher price at the end of the first trading day in relation to the issue price. The leading companies are debuts of penny companies, i.e., with an issue price below PLN 1. However, before April 1, 2010, the average price increase on the day of the debut was 176.06%. After the introduction of regulations concerning the increase of the nominal value of shares to PLN 0.10, the volatility of the price on the debut day among penny companies decreased, limiting the investment risk on the NewConnect market. Considering the number of companies debuting on NewConnect, entities that issued securities with an issue price above PLN 5 prevail, with the average price increase for these securities being the lowest at an average of 32.83%.



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How to Cite

Frydrych, S. (2022). IPO Underpricing and the share issue price on the NewConnect market. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 123, 77–92. https://doi.org/10.26485/SPE/2022/123/5

