Short- and long-term share price performance on the example of IPOs of companies from the video game sector on the Warsaw Stock Exchange




underpricing, underperformance, IPO, stock exchange, video games


Background: The article presents an analysis of the profitability of investing in shares of companies from the video game sector during their initial public offering as well as in longer intervals. The research verifies a common phenomenon occurring in capital markets regarding IPO underpricing, followed by a decline in the company’s share price after it goes public (underperformance).

Research purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to presents the rates of return on investing in shares of video game companies listed on the main market of the WSE and NewConnect, during the initial public offering and within one year from its trading. For comparative purposes, the level of IPO underpricing for the broad market was also presented.

Methods: Calculating the level of IPO underpricing was done by using the initial return and abnormal initial return (market-adjusted). BHR and BHAR “buy and hold” return rates were used to calculate share price performance at longer intervals.

Conclusion: The obtained results indicate the occurrence of the phenomenon of IPO underpricing, regardless of the market where the company is listed, in the video game sector, which level is higher than for the broader market. However, the long-term decline in the value of these companies after the IPO is noticeable in 41% of entities where the share price increased on the first day of trading.


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How to Cite

Wieczorek, S. (2020). Short- and long-term share price performance on the example of IPOs of companies from the video game sector on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 117, 357–376.

