Mediation as a way of consumer rights protection in France




mediation, French law, market regulators, financial services consumer


Background: This article deals with the phenomenon of mediation in the French legal system. It describes the general types of mediation, the supervision of financial market transactions in France, as well as the cooperation between market regulators. The article mainly discusses mediation in the financial market as an instrument for protecting rights, but also as a social process.

Research purpose: The analysis of foreign regulations regarding mediation in the financial market intends to indicate how to deal with sectoral and specialised mediation in the situations of increased risks. The insight in French regulations allows a better understanding of Polish legal opportunities in the field of mediation on the financial market. It is also a source of questions, reflections and openness to new solutions.

Methods: The article is based on historical and formal-dogmatic methods. The analysis will be conducted in chronological order.

Conclusions: Mediation is a social phenomenon. Within the financial market in France, it is subject to several essential code provisions. Still, its introduction was somewhat ahead of the regulatory process. Currently, we are dealing with regulation and supervision, which are trying to counteract harmful practices on the financial market. Mediation is one of the ways that can serve to protect consumers on the financial market.


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How to Cite

Lemonnier, M. (2020). Mediation as a way of consumer rights protection in France. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 117, 61–77.

