Typy semantyczne trójek aspektowych. Wstępne rozpoznanie
Semantic types of aspectual triplets. An introduction
Slavic aspect, aspectual triplets, Aktionsart, prefix analysis, semantic typesAbstract
In the evolution of the Slavic aspect one of the significant stages was the separation of aspectual triplets in the following chronological order: simplex imperfective – prefixed Natural Perfective (which allows clarification of a type of action) – secondary imperfective derived via suffixation (e.g. robić – zrobić – *zrabiać). The next step of Slavic aspect’ development was the disappearance of the secondary imperfective verb (*zrabiać), but not in every triplet. This paper poses a question about the secondary imperfective verb: why it didn’t become completely obsolete, what is a function of this type of structure now and are there any semantic similarities between aspectual triplets (and if so, what are the types of similarities). To explore this, the base of 664 aspectual triplets was analysed. The secondary imperfectives were divided by prefixes and on this basis the semantic types of triplets were defined. Further research possibilities were also indicated in the paper.
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