Вариативность числовых форм в древнерусской письменности: singularis vs pluralis

Variability of numerical forms in Old Russian writing: singularis vs pluralis


  • Олег Жолобов Кафедра русского языка и прикладной лингвистики, Институт филологии и межкуль-турной коммуникации, Казанский федеральный университет



Article in Russian

The article considers an unusual type of variability in the Old Russian – singularis vs pluralis. Attention is drawn first of all to cases where in the modern Russian language, instead of the ancient variability of numerical forms, the words singularia tantum and pluralia tantum are found. We believe that cases of numerical variability have an explanation in the dual nature of verbal signs – significative and denotative. The grammatical form of the singular appears as an expression of significatum and does not correlate with the potential grammatical meaning of singularity. On the contrary, the replacement of the original word forms of the singular by the plural is due precisely to the semantic saturation of the plural forms reflecting the complexity of the objects or the substantial intensity. The marked member of the opposition – pluralis – signals the reality, concreteness, the beingness of the designated objects, while the unmarked term results in the idea (signification, concept) of the designated objects. In tense interaction of opposition members, a secondary, reflected categoriality develops, as a result of which the private opposition can function as an equipollent one.




How to Cite

Жолобов, О. (2019). Вариативность числовых форм в древнерусской письменности: singularis vs pluralis: Variability of numerical forms in Old Russian writing: singularis vs pluralis. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 565–580. Retrieved from https://ojsltn.uni.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/295


