Ukrainian Surnames of Torchyn’s Roma




anthroponym, appellative, surname, lexical and semantic group, morphological formation


Українські прізвища торчинських Ромів

The article deals with anthroponyms for the Roma living in the urban locality of Torchyn in Lutsk District, Volyn Region. Based on personal records the language material is systematized and all the surnames of Roma living in the locality are identified; the composition and productivity in the groups of surnames and surname formants are specified; the lexical and semantic base of surnames is ana­lyzed; the morphological formation of official names is characterized.

It was found that anthroponymy for the Roma minority in Torchyn does not greatly differ from the same Ukrainian onyms. There are 6 names of denominative formation such as Гученко/Huchenko, Марценюк/Martseniuk, Ковальчук/Kovalchuk, Стоянович/Stoianovych and others. The derivatives from other anthroponyms (mostly from nicknames) were analyzed: Бобенко/Bobenko, Покальчук/ Pokalchuk. Among the morphological way of word-building there is a predominance of forma­tions with patronymic formants: -енк-о/-enk-o, -ович/-ovych (-евич/-evych): Берлевич/Berlevych, Коржевич/Korrzhevych; polyfunctional formant -ук/-uk: Чужук/Chuzhuk. The Roma have 4 such surnames out of 18 recorded.



How to Cite

Nesterchuk, O. (2021). Ukrainian Surnames of Torchyn’s Roma. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 69, 89–99.