The portrait of St. Joseph in Polish Christmas carols and pastorals (based on texts collected by a priest Michał M. Mioduszewski)


  • Aleksandra Serafin Katedra Lingwistyki Kulturowej i Socjolingwistyki, Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Poland


The aim of the article is to consider the cultural and textual profile of St. Joseph. The picture of him was reconstructed based on the texts collected by a priest M.M. Mioduszewski in the 19th century. Even though the collection includes 340 songs, the figure of St. Joseph appears only in 72 carols. Perception of St. Joseph was based on the evangelic text and extended thanks to introduction of Apocryphal and depictions of the Saint taken from the Polish folk traditions. The description of Joseph was narrowed down to the basic profiles – roles: ‘the old man’ and ‘the head of the family’. St. Joseph is close to authentic Polish realities. He appears as an old, grey-haired, poor man who takes care of his wife Mary and the adopted son Jesus. The development and detailing of the described profiles has been concluded in particular carols and pastorals.


— Updated on 2018-12-08

How to Cite

Serafin, A. (2018). The portrait of St. Joseph in Polish Christmas carols and pastorals (based on texts collected by a priest Michał M. Mioduszewski): Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 64, 275–287. Retrieved from


