Nominative Transformation Anthroponym – Singular 3rd Person Pronoun in the Texts of Interviews with Representatives of the Political Elite. An Attempt of Theoretical Justification
political discourse, political elite, interview, anthroponym, singular 3rd person pronounAbstract
Номінативна трансформація антропонім – займенник 3-ї особи однини в текстах інтерв’ю представників політичної еліти. Спроба теоретичного обґрунтування
The article is devoted to one of the discursive features of politicians’ speech, in particular the replacement of anthrophonyms with singular 3rd person pronouns in the texts of 38 interviews with Ukrainian presidents. The results of the research obtained with the help of descriptive and comparative methods, elements of discourse and content analysis, as well as quantitative calculations make it possible to distinguish the components of the theoretical model. Its onomastic and grammatical characteristics reveal the nature of an anthroponym and a pronoun, whereas the text-forming, communicative and stylistic components explain the interaction of an anthroponym – singular 3rd person pronouns in the interview texts.