The effects of visual and aural communication on the quality of survey measurement. The proposition of a new theoretical approach to survey mode preference on the basis of the working memory concept




working memory, survey mode preference, satisficing, survey research methodology


The aim of the article is to present a potential direction for the development of survey design research. It tries to describe the possibility of building a concept that integrates the observed consequences of survey mode preference – its impact on the response rate and the quality of responses – using the cognitive concept of working memory. It indicates the existence of a potential relationship between the aging process, or anxiety, and the diversification of information processing efficiency in the visual and aural modalities, and thus outlines the problems facing researchers planning mixed-mode surveys, especially in aging western populations.


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How to Cite

Rybak, A. (2019). The effects of visual and aural communication on the quality of survey measurement. The proposition of a new theoretical approach to survey mode preference on the basis of the working memory concept. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 68(3), 207–227.

