Peer review process

Reviewer Guidelines

Main peer review guidelines:

  1. Every article is evaluated by at least two external reviewers.
    2. In the case of texts written in a language other than Polish, at least one reviewer is affiliated with a foreign (non-Polish) university or research centre.
    3. The journal follows a double-blind review process, in which and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.
    4. Whenever concealing the author’s identity is not possible, the reviewer needs to sign a declaration of no conflict of interests, whereby the conflict of interest is defined as:
    a) a direct personal relationship (kinship, a legal relationship, a conflict),
    b) professional subordination,
    c) close academic collaboration within the last two years prior to the review process.
    5. Reviews are submitted in a written form. They should be impartial and should explicitly state whether the article ought to be published without revisions, revised prior to publication, or rejected.
  2. The names of the reviewers are only published on the journal website in a general list of reviewers collaborating with the journal. Those names are not assigned to specific journal issues.
    7. Reviewers are required to observe the confidentiality of the peer review process.
  3. The review criteria are listed on the journal website.


Journal Review Criteria

The journal only publishes academic articles, which are accepted for publication upon receiving two positive reviews. Reviewers evaluate the submissions based on the following criteria:

  1. the soundness and validity of the argument,
  2. the originality and innovativeness of the approach,
  3. an overview of the current state of research,
  4. the article’s contribution to the current state of research,
  5. language and style,
  6. coherence,
  7. the logic of the analysis,
  8. bibliographical references,
  9. the scope of bibliography.