Editorial Team

Editorial Staff and Board

Editorial Staff
University of Silesia Prof. Maria Barłowska (University of Silesia) (Poland) (Issue 1-18)
Nicolaus Copernicus University Prof. Paweł Bohuszewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University)
University of Wroclaw Prof. Dariusz Dybek (University of Wroclaw) (Poland)
University of Lodz Prof. Michał Kuran (University of Lodz) (Poland)
Adam Mickiewicz University Prof. Dorota Rojszczak-Robińska (Adam Mickiewicz University
Witold Wojtowicz chief editor (Poland)

Editorial Board
Full Prof. Piotr Borek (Pedagogical University of Cracow) (Poland)
Full Prof. Radosław Grześkowiak (University of Gdansk) (Poland)
Dr Olga Guseva (Petersburg State University) (Russia)
Dr hab. Marek A. Janicki (University of Warsow) (Poland)
Dr hab. Lenka Jiroušková (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) (Germany) (until 12.2018)
Prof. Zenon Kałuża (Centre d’Études des Religions du Livre, C.N.R.S.) (France) (until 12.2020)
Full Prof. Walter Koschmal (Universität Regensburg) (Germany) (until 12.2019)
Full Prof. Mirosław Lenart (University of Opole) (Poland)
Full Prof. Arent van Nieukerken (Universiteit van Amsterdam) (Holland)
Adam Mickiewicz University Prof. Radosław Piętka (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan)
Prof. Christian Prunitsch (Technische Universität Dresden) (Germany)
University of Silesia Prof. Tomasz Sapota (University of Silesia) (Poland)
Full Prof. Paweł Stępień (University of Warsaw) (Poland)
Dr hab. László Tapolcai (Eötvös Loránd University - ELTE) (Hungary)
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences Prof. Tomasz Wiślicz (Institute of History of
the Polish Academy of Sciences) (Poland)
Full Prof. Alois Woldan (Universität Wien) (Austria)

Assistant Editor
dr. Iwona Słomak (University of Silesia) (Issue 1-2), dr. Marzena Walińska (University of Silesia)
(Issue 3-9), dr. Ewa Cybulska-Bohuszewicz (Issue 10-18), dr. Kamila Żukowska (Issue 19-)

Language Editor (Polish Language) - dr. Iwona Słomak (Issue 1-2), Maciej Zalewski (Issue 3),
Michał Kunik (Issue 4), Joanna Rosik (Issue 5), dr. Agnieszka Boniatowska (Issue 6-7), dr. Beata
Bednarek (Issue 8), dr. Marzena Walińska (Issue 9), Dorota Stępień (Issue 10), Agnieszka Plutecka
(Issue 11), dr. Dorota Ucherek (Issue 12), Patryk Chłopek (Issue 13-)
Language Editor (English Language) - Denise Estrella
Language Editor (German Language) - Karin Ritthaler

Szczecin University Press (Issue 1-9), Wydawnictwo IBL PAN (Issue 10-13) , Łódzkie
Towarzystwo Naukowe (14-)