The Legend about the Iron Wolf, from Stryjkowski’s “Chronicle”, in the Context of Foundation Myths and Tales of Magic


  • Andrzej Wicher Uniwersytet Łódzki, Poland



Stryjkowski’s Chronicle, tales of magic, foundation myths, the symbolism of the wolf, the symbolism of iron, the wolf and the hedgehog


The present article is an attempt to look at Stryjkowski’s story of Gediminas’, the Grand Duke’s of Lithuania, dream, involving a vision of an iron-clad wolf, in the light of its possible folkloric and mythographic context. It is natural to look at it as a foundation myth, connected with the legendary origins of the city of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The author claims that the usually postulated connection with the story of Romulus and Remus and the Capitoline She-Wolf is rather tenuous and that it makes more sense to look at the story of the Iron Wolf in the context of fairy tales about supernatural, enchanted, animals, whose disenchantment, that is, a return to the human form, is the natural and expected conclusion. Various legends, myths, and fairy tales (including literary fairy tales) are here analyzed and compared with each other on the assumption that this basically Lithuanian story has some links with a vast European narrative heritage.

Author Biography

Andrzej Wicher, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Poland

Wykładowca historii literatury angielskiej na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Od roku 2017 jest też kierownikiem Pracowni do Badań nad Angielską Literaturą Średniowieczną i Renesansową. Jego główne przedmioty zainteresowań naukowych to kultura literatura średniowieczna i renesansowa, oraz współczesna literatura fantasy. Autor książek: Archaeology of the Sublime. Studies in Late – Medieval English Writings, Katowice 1995; Shakespeare’s Parting Wondertales – a Study of the Elements of the Tale of Magic in William Shakespeare’s Late Plays, Łódź 2003; Selected Medieval and Religious Themes in the Works of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, Łódź 2013 oraz tomu przekładów angielskiej poezji średniowiecznej (na podstawie ich nowoangielskiej wersji autorstwa J. R. R.Tolkiena) Pan Gawen i Zielony Rycerz, Perła, Król Orfeo, Warszawa 1997.


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How to Cite

Wicher, A. (2024). The Legend about the Iron Wolf, from Stryjkowski’s “Chronicle”, in the Context of Foundation Myths and Tales of Magic. Melusine. Old Literature and Culture, 17(2), 35–49.

