Information For Authors


The journal charges neither a submission nor a publication fee. The decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board according to the results of an independent review.

Full-text journal articles are freely available for everyone to read, download and reuse in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND).


1. The papers should be delivered both in digital and paper form.
2. The size of the paper (text with references, figures, illustrations, tables, photographs) should not exceed 20 pages.
3. The paper should contain: the first and last name of the author with affiliation and e-mail address, the Polish and English title, an abstract (ca. 150 words), keywords (5–10) in Polish and English, the text itself, references sorted alphabetically, and a summary (10% of the size of the primary text)
4. The digital version of the text should be a Microsoft Office Word document, Times New Roman 12p typeface, 1.5 spacing. The text should not contain highlights in the form of bold text, italics or additional spaces; any suggestions should be contained on the margin of the document.
5. The descriptions of figures, photographs and tables should be composed both in Polish and English. Photographs should be described with the name of their authors and they year they was taken.
6. Illustrations (in black and white) have to be delivered as separate files, a vector graphic (*.cdr or *.ai) or as a picture with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (.jpg, .bmp, .tif)
7. Bibliographic references. Each item should contain full bibliographic data (first and last name of the author/-s, year, full title, English title, publisher, pages).