A Chaotic Tours of the ‘Halls’ of the Logoi of the Herodotus ‘Muses’: Review of the English Historiography on the ‘Father of History’ and His Work in the New Guide-Book


  • Aleksandr Sinitsyn The Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities St. Petersburg, Rosja
  • Igor Surikov Institute of World History Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Rosja




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Jak cytować

Sinitsyn, A., & Surikov, I. (2019). A Chaotic Tours of the ‘Halls’ of the Logoi of the Herodotus ‘Muses’: Review of the English Historiography on the ‘Father of History’ and His Work in the New Guide-Book. Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia, 66, 151–167. https://doi.org/10.26485/AAL/2020/66/13



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