Od edycji limitowanej do galeryjnej. Wstęp do „materialnej” teorii komiksu

From limited edition to gallery. Introduction to the "material" theory of the comic


  • Tomasz Żaglewski Zakład Badań nad Kulturą Filmową i Audiowizualną Instytutu Kulturoznawstwa UAM, Poland



The article is an attempt to understand the need to develop methodological and theoretical tools for defining and underlining the meaning of a comic book’s material quality. Assuming that the modern tactile and sensual aspects of a physical manifestation of the comic book medium are becoming one of its most important specifics, then the author, is trying to explore the scientific consequences of a turn towards focusing on the “materialistic” inside the comic book industry. With full understanding of that matter then a starting point for a discussion can be made about the more general offensive of printed publications against ongoing virtualization, or de-materialization of written texts.




How to Cite

Żaglewski, T. (2019). Od edycji limitowanej do galeryjnej. Wstęp do „materialnej” teorii komiksu: From limited edition to gallery. Introduction to the "material" theory of the comic. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich The Problems of Literary Genres, 61(1), 127–139. Retrieved from https://ojsltn.uni.lodz.pl/Zagadnienia-Rodzajow-Literackich/article/view/405


