Hawajskie prawo wyborcze w latach 1864–1893 – prawo głosu i prawo wybieralności
https://doi.org/10.26485/SW/2023/35/7Słowa kluczowe:
Królestwo Hawajów, czynne prawo wyborcze, bierne prawo wyborcze, cenzusy wyborcze, rejestr wyborcówAbstrakt
W artykule przedstawiono zasady nabywania czynnego i biernego prawa wyborczego obowiązujące w Królestwie Hawajów w latach 1864–1893, tj. po wejściu w życie trzeciej konstytucji, zgodnie z którą parlament stał się jednoizbowy. Przedmiotem analizy były zasady dopuszczania do udziału w wyborze reprezentantów, a także wodzów (od 1887 r., gdy monarcha stracił prawo ich powoływania). Omówione zostały obowiązujące cenzusy wyborcze, zwłaszcza cenzus majątkowy oraz cenzus wykształcenia, które na Hawajach miały znaczenie szczególne, gdyż stały się narzędziem ograniczenia praw politycznych rdzennych mieszkańców wysp. Przedstawiono również zasady rejestracji wyborców oraz kandydatów, z czasem coraz bardziej szczegółowe.
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The civil code of the Hawaiian Islands, passed in the year of our Lord 1859: to which is added an appendix, containing laws not expressly repealed by the civil code; the session laws of 1858–9; and treaties with foreign nations. Honolulu 1859.
Constitution Granted by His Majesty Kamehameha V, by the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, on the Twentieth Day of August, A.D. 1864. W R.C. Lydecker, Roster Legislature of Hawaii 1841–1918. Constitutions of Monarchy and Republic. Speeches of Sovereigns and President. Honolulu 1918, s. 88–98; http://hooilina.org/collect/journal/index/assoc/HASHe7d7.dir/5.pdf (dostęp 1.04.2021).
An act regarding the qualifications of electors, 31.12.1864. W Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha V., King of The Hawaiian Islands, passed by The Legislative Assembly, at its session, 1864–1865. Honolulu 1865, s. 65–68.
An act to amend the law relating to the holding of elections, 27.07.1866. W Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha V., King of The Hawaiian Islands, passed by The Legislative Assembly, at its session, 1866–1867. Honolulu 1866, s. 13–14.
An act to amend section 788 ot the Civil Code, 22.06.1868. W Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha V., King of The Hawaiian Islands, passed by The Legislative Assembly, at its session, 1868. Honolulu 1868, s. 28–29.
An act to amend section 780 ot the Civil Code, 22.06.1868. W Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha V., King of The Hawaiian Islands, passed by The Legislative Assembly, at its session, 1868. Honolulu 1868, s. 49–50
An act to repeal an act entitled „An act regarding the qualifications of electors,” approved december 31st, 1864, and to regulate the qualifications of electors for representatives to the Legislative Assembly of the Kingdom, 24.06.1868. W Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha V., King of The Hawaiian Islands, passed by The Legislative Assembly, at its session, 1868. Honolulu 1868, s. 14–20.
The penal code of the Hawaiian Kingdom, compiled from the Penal Code of 1850, and the various penal enactments since made, pursuant to act of the Legislative Assembly, June 22nd, 1868. Honolulu 1869, s. 250–258.
Proposed Amendment to Article Sixty-Two of the Constitution Granted on the Twentieth Day of August, A.D. 1864, in Accordance with Article Eighty of said Constitution. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1874. Honolulu 1874, s. 3.
Proposed Amendment to Article Sixty-Three of the Constitution Granted on the Twentieth Day of August, A.D. 1864, in Accordance with Article Eighty of said Constitution. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1874. Honolulu 1874, s. 3–4.
An act to regulate the time for holding elections for representatives, 13.07.1874. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1874. Honolulu 1874, s. 25.
An act to amend Sections 2 and 3 of an Act entitled „An Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act Regarding the qualification of electors”, approved December 31, 1864, and to regulate the qualifications of electors for representatives to the Legislative Assembly of the Kingdom as approved the 24th of June, 1868, and to repeal Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 86 of the Penal Code, 7.08.1874. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1874. Honolulu 1874. s. 45–46.
An act to amend Sections 796, 797, 799 of the Civil Code, 3.08.1876. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1876. Honolulu 1876, s. 10–11.
An act to amend Section 18, Chapter 86, of the Penal Code, of holding elections, 15.09.1876. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1876. Honolulu 1876, s. 19–20.
An act to amend Chapter 86 of the Penal Code, „Regarding the qualifications of electors,” by adding a new Section to be numbered 17a, 19.09.1876. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session, 1876. Honolulu 1876, s. 81.
An act to autorize the holding of an election for representative for the District of Kaanapali, Maui, 2.05.1882. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua I., King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session 1882. Honolulu 1882, s. 3–4.
An act to amend section 782 of the civil code, relating to time and places of holding elections, 11.07.1884. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua I., King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session 1884. Honolulu 1884, s. 9.
The civil code of the Hawaiian Islands. W Compiled laws of The Hawaiian Kingdom. Honolulu 1884, s. 220–234.
An act to amend Chapter LXXXVI of the Penal Code, 7.10.1886. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua I., King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session 1886. Honolulu 1886, s. 9.
An act to prescribe the residence required by law as necessary to the exercise of the elective franchise, 15.10.1886. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua I., King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session 1886. Honolulu 1886, s. 122–123.
Constitution granted by Kalakaua, July 6, 1887. W R.C. Lydecker, Roster Legislature of Hawaii 1841–1918. Constitutions of Monarchy and Republic. Speeches of Sovereigns and President s. 159–170; http://www.hawaii-nation.org/constitution-1887.html (dostęp 3.04.2021).
An act to amend and consolidate the election laws of the Kingdom, 10.09.1888. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua I., King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session 1888. Honolulu 1888, s. 181–223.
An act to amend and consolidate the election laws of the Kingdom, 14.11.1890. W Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua I., King of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the Legislative Assembly at its Session 1890. Honolulu 1890, s. 191–239.