The protection of minority shareholders’ rights in a limited liability company in the context of agency theory




agency theory, agency problem, principle-principle conflict, limited liability company


Background: The subject of the research is legal corporate governance mechanisms aimed at solving the type II agency problem, i.e., the principals-principal conflict. The theoretical frame­work of the considerations is created by agency theory. The work focuses on the problem of goal conflict and monitoring. The goal conflict was limited to the conflict between the majority (con­trolling) and minority shareholders in a limited liability company. The problem of monitoring was limited to monitoring the company’s activity. It was assumed that a limited liability company acts in the interest of all shareholders, and the company’s interest is a compromise between the often conflicting expectations of shareholders.

Research purpose: The aim of the study is to analyze and evaluate legal corporate governance mechanisms that are aimed at both reducing the conflict between the majority (controlling) and minority shareholders in a limited liability company as well as monitoring. The legal solutions in the Act of 15 September 2000 Commercial Companies Code, whose task is to protect the rights of minority shareholders in a limited liability company, were analyzed and evaluated. The criterion for evaluating the legal solutions was their usefulness and effectiveness in both resolving the goal conflicts and monitoring.

Methods: The research method used in this paper is the analysis of the content of legal regulations concerning a limited liability company contained in the Act of 15 September 2000 Commercial Companies Code. The legal regulations were assessed in terms of protecting the rights of a mi­nority shareholder in a limited liability company.

Conclusions: On the basis of the research, two groups of regulations aimed at protecting a mi­nority shareholder in a limited liability company were distinguished, i.e., collective and individual rights. However, the rights resulting from them do not sufficiently protect the minority share-holder in a limited liability company. Therefore, the article proposes introducing a new shareholder’s right into the legal solutions on a limited liability company, i.e., the right to termi­nate a shareholder’s participation in a limited liability company. Such a solution is appropriate on the basis of agency theory, according to which, it may constitute a disciplinary mechanism for managers and the majority (controlling) shareholder in a limited liability company. Such a solu­tion may also constitute a counterbalance for the existing legal institution, i.e., an action for the exclusion of a shareholder from the company.


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How to Cite

Samborski, A. (2020). The protection of minority shareholders’ rights in a limited liability company in the context of agency theory. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 115, 353–370.

