Reflexive regulation as a meta-regulation




reflexivity, responsiveness, regulation strategy


Background: The problem of reflexive regulation has an increasing impact on the regulatory practice, especially in the context of risk regulation. This is demonstrated by changes in shaping the form of specific regulatory strategies. The consequence of this is moving away from command and control practice and focus on controlling the regulation process itself.

Research purpose: The aim of the article is to bring the reader closer to the idea of meta-regulation, which in addition to risk-based regulation and responsive regulation is one reflexive regulatory strategy. The reconstruction of the theoretical framework of meta-regulation, will be implemented in three steps. The considerations will begin with presenting the basic assumptions of meta-regu­lation. As a result of this, it will be possible to characterize the relationship between the regulator and the regulatees and also define the role played by other participants of the regulatory system, especially external stakeholders. These considerations lead us to determine the conditions for the success of mentioned strategy.

Methods: The paper uses an analytical method involving the reconstruction of the theoretical framework of meta-regulation, carried out using foreign literature.

Conclusions: Literary analysis of regulatory theory allows us to assume that it is possible to dis­tinguish at least two ways of theorizing the issue of meta-regulation (reflexive model and respon­sive model). These ways result in differing understandings of the relationship between regulator and regulatees, and also – in different practical consequences of both approaches. The research also allows the recognition that although meta-regulation depends on a number of factors, it cre­ates a chance to carry out modifications of the means and direction of regulator’s activities aimed at promoting and supervising self-regulatory strategies.


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How to Cite

Gaczoł, K. (2020). Reflexive regulation as a meta-regulation. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 115, 31–47.

