Analysis of the mechanisms for entrusting Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI) from the agency theory perspective




service of general economic interest, agency theory, entrustment act


Background: Services of general economic interest are part of the European Union’s legal order for free competition and state aid. They concern the entrustment of certain public services for a particular reward, known as compensation, by a public body. The paper reviews the mechanism of entrusting SGEI from the perspective of agency theory.

Research purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyse whether there is an analogy between the mechanisms of entrusting public services and the mechanisms identified to mitigate the effects of the problem of the agency and draw conclusions, based on economic theory, to improve legal regulation.

Methods: The analysis of selected Polish and English literature on the agency theory and SGEI was carried out. A review and interpretation of legal regulations in the field of public aid was made, with a focus on services of general economic interest. The paper has a conceptual character.

Conclusion: The conclusion is that there is a clear analogy between the mechanisms of entrusting public services and the mechanisms adopted to mitigate the agency problem. This means that the achievements of economic sciences in the field of the agency theory should be taken into account in the development of legal regulations on public services and in the preparation of the SGEI entrustment contracts.


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How to Cite

Kosiada-Sylburska, M. (2020). Analysis of the mechanisms for entrusting Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI) from the agency theory perspective. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 114, 235–247.

