Macroeconomic stabilization and the sustainable development of enterprises – the case of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania




sustainable development of enterprises; macroeconomic stability


Background: The main aim of this paper is to show the impact of macroeconomic stabilization on the sustainable development of enterprises in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ro­mania. The analysed issues constitute an interesting and poorly recognized research area, which is taken into account in the development of activities that take place in relation to social and environmental problems. Sustainable development is determined by several microeconomic and macroeconomic factors. One of the key factors on the the sustainable development of enterprise is macroeconomic stabilization, which can be understood as the stability of economic, political and social situation.

Research purpose: The main aim of this paper is to show the relationship between the level of sustainable development of enterprises in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania and the level of macroeconomic stability in these countries between 2008 and 2017.

Methods: The basic method used in this paper is the quantitative method. Synthetic indicators of macroeconomic stability were based on the concept of a pentagon of macroeconomic stabilization and a synthetic indicator of sustainable development of enterprises determined on the basis of the variable normalization method, followed by a statistical evaluation of the relationship between variables.

Conclusions: Initial considerations were devoted to discussing of selected theoretical issues related to the analyzed issues; the next part of the study describes the results of the study. The obtained Pearson linear correlation coefficients were 0.67 for Bulgaria, 0.82 for the Czech Republic, 0.93 for Poland, and 0.7 for Romania at the significance level p < 0.05. Similar results gave multiple regression results. The highest impact of the PSM ratio change is seen in Poland, (b* = 0.93) and the Czech Republic (b* = 0.82). Therefore, it should be assumed that macroeconomic conditions have a statistically significant impact on the sustainable development of enterprises.


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How to Cite

Misztal, A. (2019). Macroeconomic stabilization and the sustainable development of enterprises – the case of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 113, 189–205.

