The tax on certain financial institutions in Poland – objectives and implications




bank tax, banking sector taxation, fiscal efficiency, tax revenue, tax burden, stability of the banking sector


Background: The introduction of the tax on certain financial institutions in Poland was accompanied by many emotions about the fact that it is a tax that had not previously been applicable in Poland, and that it also concerned financial institutions that became the subject of particular interest in the era of intensified discussion on the reform and sealing of the tax system. On 1 February 2016, the Act on Tax on Certain Financial Institutions became effective. The law introduced a wealth tax, in which assets of certain financial institutions are subject to taxation.

Research purpose: The paper assesses the impact of the introduction of a tax on certain financial institutions in Poland, in particular, the impact of the tax on the financial stability of the banking sector, loans to NFCs and households, and ownership structure. It also examines the scale of tax shifting to bank customers.1

Methods: The paper presents an overview of the literature on the subject, the construction of the bank tax, and the most important effects of taxation on the banking sector, bank customers, and the whole economy. The desk research method was used, which involved compiling, analyzing, and processing data and information from existing sources, and on that basis, formulating conclusions.

Conclusions: Banks passed on the costs of the bank tax to their customers in the form of higher fees and commissions, as well as higher interest rates on loans and lower interest rates on deposits. Bank profitability increased after the introduction of the bank tax, so it can be concluded that the banks and their owners have not borne the burden of the tax.



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How to Cite

Twarowska-Ratajczak, M., & Twarowska-Mól, K. (2021). The tax on certain financial institutions in Poland – objectives and implications. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 121, 305–325.

