The quantitative analysis of changes in human capital diversity in Voivodeships based on Markov chains




regional analyses, Markov chains, human capital, taxonomic indicators


Background: The regional analysis of the diversity of human capital in Poland in 2006–2018.

Research purpose: The dynamic analysis of the differentiation of Voivodeships in terms of the level of human capital based on Markov chains.

Methods: Quantitative methods were used in the research. Taxonomic methods were used to analyze the diversity of voivodships in terms of the level of human capital. The values of the taxonomic indicators were obtained using three methods: based on the distance in the Euclidean space, city space, and an indicator that maximizes the sum of the linear correlation coefficients between the indicator and its components. Markov chains were used for the dynamic analysis of changes in the differentiation of the level of human capital.

Conclusions: The research results show that the highest level of human capital was recorded in the Lesser Poland and Mazovia Voivodeships, while the lowest was in the Lubusz and Cuiavia-Pomerania Voivodeships. The paper also demonstrates that in the analyzed period, the movements of Voivodeships were the most frequent between the second and the third quartile groups, while changes in the first quartile group were the least frequent. This means that the first quartile group was the most hermetic, and most often, it included the following voivodeships: Lesser Poland, Mazovia, Pomerania, and Greater Poland. An equally important conclusion is that in the Sub-Carpathia Voivodeship, an increase in human capital was observed in 2006–2018, while a decrease was recorded in the Voivodeship of Łódź and the Voivodeship of Varmia and Masuria.



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How to Cite

Szczepaniak, D. (2021). The quantitative analysis of changes in human capital diversity in Voivodeships based on Markov chains. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 121, 263–280.




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