Hadrian’s letters to the citizens of Stratonicea Hadrianopolis





Hadrian, Stratonikeia, revenues, public Roman law


Background: The subject of this study is the analysis of three letters from Hadrian addressed to the citizens of Stratonikeia, a city located in Asia Minor, in particular the first one concerning the city’s income.

Research purpose: Emperor Hadrian supported the Hellenisation of Asia Minor, among others by founding new cities and expanding old ones. The aim of this article is to provide an example of his policy towards the Greek cities of the region.

Methods: The historical-legal method and philological analysis of sources were applied.

Conclusions: Emperor Hadrian supported the development of Stratonikeia by transferring to its citizens the revenues from the surrounding lands, previously belonging to the central treasury. He was also interested in the expansion of the city and the state of its infrastructure. For their part, the inhabitants of Stratonikeia took care to maintain constant contact with the Emperor by sending him letters.



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How to Cite

Tadajczyk, K. (2021). Hadrian’s letters to the citizens of Stratonicea Hadrianopolis. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 120, 109–117. https://doi.org/10.26485/SPE/2021/120/5

