The scope of application of actio negatoria in the theory of Fryderyk Zoll (senior)




actio negatoria, Fryderyk Zoll (senior), Roman law


Background: The XIX century doctrine saw doubts in how to determine the scope of application of actio negatoria. Whereas numerous European Roman law scholars expressed their views on this, special attention should be paid to the views held by Fryderyk Zoll (senior), who was pursuing a veniam docendi in Roman Law at the Jagiellonian University. In his habilitation dissertation, Zoll was not afraid to engage in a polemic with the most prominent researchers of Roman law and explicitly express his views as to the scope of application of actio negatoria.

Research purpose: The article aims to analyze the views of Fryderyk Zoll (senior) that the scholar formulated with regard to the scope of application of actio negatoria in Roman law. The paper is furthermore intended as a reminder that Polish scholars, too, had their views on the matter. The reason is that currently the views of Polish-based Roman law researchers are not as well-known and therefore not as frequently quoted as the views held by foreign-based scholars.

Methods: The paper encompasses an analysis of the views of Fryderyk Zoll (senior), as well as references to sources of Roman law that the scholar invoked in his work. In addition to the legal-historic method, the article utilizes the dogmatic method.

Conclusions: The article shows that Fryderyk Zoll (senior) was a proponent of a broad scope of application of actio negatoria and thus rejected the views held by some other scholars. His position on the issue has been explained in detail and is probably the first attempt at arguing for such a broad scope of application of actio negatoria in Polish literature on Roman law.



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How to Cite

Nancka, G. (2020). The scope of application of actio negatoria in the theory of Fryderyk Zoll (senior). Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 117, 99–113.

