„I came out of the House of Slavery…” About the path to spiritual nomadism using the example of a man searching for “his place” in the world
new spirituality, postmodern nomadism, spiritual nomadismAbstract
The focus of this article is the path to spiritual nomadism, considered using the example of a man who since childhood has been driven by the desire to “place himself”, i.e. to find his place in the world. The deliberations begin with terminological issues, where the author defines the spirituality characteristic of such nomads and postmodern nomadism in general, and methodological issues, where the context of the study and the method of analysing the research material are described. Then, the path leading to nomadism is reconstructed: from early experiences of the “emptiness” of the surrounding world, through attempts to find one’s own place (ending up stuck in a biographical trap), to stepping out of existing social structures and making a “subjective turn.” In conclusion, attention was drawn to the psychosocial nature of the phenomenon under study, which is probably a reaction to the postmodern disintegration of the architectures of meaning.
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