A young audience’s expectations of a contemporary museum of art





post-millennials, museum of art, expectations of museums


The aim of the article is a sociological analysis of the way young visitors (post-millennials) perceive art museums in the context of their expectations in a mobile communications era. This problem is very interesting because young visitors, members of the post-millennial generation, participate in social and cultural life in a quite different way than previous generations. This problem is also very important because just post-millennials will decide the fate of this kind of institution in the not too distant future. The analysis of the perception of museum institutions is based on the results of an empirical study carried out among high school students (16–20 years old). The main areas of interest in this study were their preferences in the style of visiting museum exhibitions, their opinions about the exhibition being visited, and their expectations regarding changes in the formula of presenting art in the museum space.


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How to Cite

Kisiel, P. (2021). A young audience’s expectations of a contemporary museum of art. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 70(2), 11–28. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2021/70.2/2

